Tuesday 21 April 2015

Entry 4 : The Missing Person and a Bet

Entry 4



“Sir, would it be cool if I take a picture with you?”
“Yes, its very cool.”
Just then a moment later, the front car of the convoy blows up. Before my mind could process what happened infront of me, another bomb dropped just where it landed before, with a loud thud. Everything near my ear rang. The front foreman driver and his commander leaves the humvee to hold the ground. Both of them get shot as soon as they leave the armoured car. The soldier sitting beside me was ordered to stay with me but seeing his fellows being shot at, he also ran out. Within seconds I lost him in all the dust flying around. Feeling like a chicken in an oven getting reading to be turned on for frying, even I left the vehicle, dogging the bullets running towards a rock away from the road. There were still shots being fired behind me and more grenades and bombs were thrown towards the armoured convoys. As easy as it was to understand, this was a terrorist attack. Just as I took out my phone to call Obadiah Stane, a missle landed just where I was hiding. At that moment, it felt like that time has stopped. A lot of memories crossed my mind. Pepper, Dad. I could see all their faces.  
Bomb near me exploded and sent me flying across the ground. I felt a deep pain running through my chest. Only one thought now surrounded my mind, Is this the end of Tony Stark?

It was a start of a gentle morning here in New York. I woke up on time to do my workout sessions in the park. Normal strength training to keep the body ready whenever the situation required to. It had been a long time since I had been on a field mission. Missing all the action made me a bit nervous sitting around holed up either in a bar or doing all the research work back at my apartment. All I used to live up for, was the adrenaline rushing through the veins when I was on a mission or when bullets were fired at me. In a manner of saying, with all these three years of covert mission and job, I missed the bullets the most.
Coming back from the park, I saw Phil standing outside my apartment with his matte black range rover and shades. All he said was there’s a problem back at the base. Someone went missing.
As we entered the SHIELD headquarters, I saw Nick Fury standing there waiting for us. We all entered his office, Nick activated the systems that made the room sound-proof from inside and so no one could hear outside what was being discussed inside the room. Nick used this system a lot as he barely trusted anyone here even in the SHIELD. It was me who recovered this sound-proofing tech from a 19 year old back in Canada when he happened to create it for a college project. Fury had a tense look on his face all this time. As we settled down, he told that Howard Stark’s son Tony Stark, had gone missing. He was in Afghanistan on a job when his convoy was attacked by terrorist and he was taken. It was yet unclear if they had killed him or not, but the latter seemed unlikely. No ransom calls had been made yet and this tensed Fury. Fury had always wanted Stark in his team after Howard’s contribution to the SHIELD and the world. Howard Stark was one of scientist who gave the world its first atomic bomb. Fury believed that Tony Stark had the caliber to live upto his father’s image but his attitude with all the riches he had, every senior member of SHIELD voted against hiring Tony. But Fury looked out for Tony more than anyone ever knew. Tony was never told what his father did in reality.  
After Tony was taken a hostage, Fury called a Board of Director’s meeting asking them to send a search party for Tony, but as decided before, SHIELD didn’t find Tony as an asset so they denied any forces to be deployed finding him. So that’s when Fury decided to do what he does best, going outside the system. Fury wanted me to scan the areas for any radio broadcast while Phil went into the hiding in Afghanistan looking and tracing Stark’s captors footsteps.

BACK IN 2005
It was my 67th day here in New York with Ted and his friends. I had grown fond of all of them by now. Something told me that this mission was going to be a long one so I decided to start bonding with all of them on a personal level to know them more. The more time I spent with them, the more I got to know about the normal American life.
 I never had the chance to live a normal life. With my dad himself being a SHIELD agent with clearance level 10, my training began from the day I was born. Afterall he wanted his name to be continued in SHIELD after him. My youth was a particular difficult one with all the training hours I had to log in.  
Out of all, Barney Stinson turned out to be a great guy. He was funny, witty and he did stupid things to impress others but he was a guy good at heart. I could tell. He did a lot of stupid stuff everyday just to prove a point or other and tried to get others also be a part of it. It was yet another one of those days when everyone was hanging around the bar like usual. Barney with another one of his crazy schemes started offering me money to say some words he wanted on tv while I was doing my news coverage. I liked the sound of this game. It was a challenge that Barney offered me and I loved competiting. Barney was a player and he always offered big stakes for a game and that’s what made this game interesting. I never had the chance to fool around or do stupid stuff all together. I accepted the challenge and hence started a few days of fun.

Who said SHIELD agents couldn’t have a bit of fun themselves while undercover. It was during that time I fell in the horse poop while shooting one of the set-up news. It wasn’t intended to happen but when it happened, it stayed on for long. Story being aired on national television, it attracted many viewers around the world. Even SHIELD agents saw it and gave me a smirk whenever I walked through SHIELD headquarters later on for months.

It was very uncanny that Fury called and informed that Stark has been found and will soon be returning back home in a military assisted plane. Tony had somehow escaped from the hands of his captors in Afghanistan after being held prisoner for 3 months. It was a suspicious occurring that a normal man ‘gunned’ his way through terrorist captors unharmed and into the hands of U.S military. Nick Fury decided it was time Tony heard from SHIELD and he asked me to do this. But knowing how similar behavior he had to Barney, womanizer and eccentric, I refused and asked Coulson to go instead of me. He might be able to get more from him than I could.

---------- END OF Episode 4-------

*Guys thanks alot for a great response to the blog. Do drop in emails ( rnr.superblogger@gmail.com)  telling us about your views for the entries and if some suggestions you have about future stories you would like to see come up in this co-up story relating to any How I Met Your Mother stuff or from Marvel Universe.*
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